10 English TV Shows to Improve Your Language Skills

You may think that sitting in front of the TV is not the best way to be productive. While this is probably true if you need to study for a math test or finish some chores, it’s not the case if you want to practice English. In fact, people learn with English TV shows all the time!


5 Tips to Help You Learn with English TV Shows

Before we talk about some fun and interesting English series to watch, it’s important to know how to get the most out of every English TV series. After all, mindlessly staring at your screen won’t help you improve! So, let’s take a look at 5 tips to help you learn with English TV shows:

  1. Research the show beforehand– If you’re worried about feeling lost or confused while watching a new English series, you should research the show before you sit down to watch. Naturally, you won’t want to spoil everything that happens in the story, but reading a summary of the show will help you put things into context right from the start.
  2. 尝试在没有字幕的情况下观看- 根据您听到它们的声音,字幕是可视化单词的好方法,这可以帮助您记住它们。然而,在字幕上依靠太多可以减损你练习听力理解的能力。但是,使用字幕没有羞耻;一旦你对此充满信心这样做,就试着逐步一致。
  3. 回去抓住你错过的东西– Even native English speakers have to use the rewind button to catch dialogue or story events that they missed. So, if you find yourself zoning out (not paying attention) or simply don’t understand what is happening, don’t be afraid to go back and watch it a second (or third) time.
  4. 做笔记– If you’re watching an English TV series, you will probably hear quite a few new words, phrases, and grammar structures in each episode. You can’t expect to remember them all, so it might be useful to hit the pause button and jot (write) down things that you want to remember. However, if you’re watching with someone else, make sure that they’re fine with the interruptions!
  5. 明智地选择你的展示– Finally, it is important to choose your TV shows with care. Some shows are not well-suited for English learners at certain levels. Additionally, some shows or characters might use improper grammar or words that will only confuse you. But how will you know which English TV shows are right for you? Don’t worry, because we have you covered!


虽然习惯于不同形式的英语是有用的,但您可能更喜欢学习American accentor a英式口音. So, we’ve provided a list of some of the best American and British TV shows for English learners:



  • What is the show about?Friends遵循一群6个朋友(去图!),因为他们在纽约市航行他们的职业和关系。万博max手机版
  • 为什么它有用?该展示不仅充满了有趣的美国流行文化文化引用,而且它也依赖于不同的色调,如讽刺,快乐,悲伤等。


  • What is the show about?The American remake of办公室focuses on Michael Scott (the inept regional manager of a paper supply company) and his unenthusiastic employees. The show is a mockumentary (parody of a documentary) that pokes fun at “office culture” in the United States.
  • 为什么它有用?尽管人物在整个系列中讨论了广泛的主题 - 从狂犬病到甜菜农场 -办公室is a great way for English learners to pick up business lingo.


  • What is the show about?很像办公室,Modern Familyuses the mockumentary format for comedic effect. The story follows three generations of a diverse family living in Los Angeles.
  • 为什么它有用?Modern Familyaddresses a lot of issues that families face on a daily basis, which can help English learners develop useful vocabulary and understand common grammar structures.


  • What is the show about?As the only American drama on this list,Breaking Bad是比其他人更暗的秀。这个英国电视剧是关于一个致癌的教师,他决定开始生产和销售毒品,为他的家人提供美好的生活。
  • 为什么它有用?与情景喜剧(情境喜剧节目)不同,Breaking Badrelies on realistic dialogue and (generally) serious interactions between the characters.


  • What is the show about?Glee遵循高中音乐教师的生活和在他的Glee俱乐部(合唱团)唱歌的学生。
  • 为什么它有用?不仅是这样做Glee使用大量的受欢迎的美国的行话and idioms, but it also features dozens of English songs. As a result, it combines the benefits of practicing English with both music AND television!



  • What is the show about?The Crown重新遏制英格兰最长的君主,伊丽莎白女王的生活故事。
  • 为什么它有用?The Crownis considered one of the best shows on Netflix and one of the best TV shows of all time. It features British actors speaking Standard English with impeccable (perfect) grammar and pronunciation.


  • What is the show about?窥视秀is a comedic show about two flatmates (roommates), Mark and Jeremy, living in London. Mark is an uptight office worker, while Jeremy is an unemployed musician and free spirit.
  • 为什么它有用?窥视秀充满了英国历史和流行文化参考。休闲,非正式对话也利用了数百个英国的俗语。


  • What is the show about?Chewing Gum遵循Tracey Gordon的日常生活,来自一个深刻的宗教家庭的20多个女孩。尽管她天真地,Tracey希望探索伦敦,体验生活所提供的一切。
  • 为什么它有用?Chewing Gum公开观众到广泛的英国口音。很像窥视秀,它也有很多非正式的言论,你可能不会在英国境外听到。


  • What is the show about?Black Mirroris another one of the best British TV shows on Netflix. It is a science fiction anthology show (each episode has a new setting and characters) that explores the darker side of technological advancement.
  • 为什么它有用?Black Mirror适用于高级英语学习者,因为它审查了复杂的主题并依赖于技术词汇表。


  • What is the show about?Fleabag是一个喜剧戏剧,讲述了一个伦敦女人的故事,他必须与她不批准的家庭和强大的浪漫合作伙伴打交道。
  • 为什么它有用?Fleabagfeatures natural, fast-paced English conversations on a wide range of topics.

We hope you found this English series list helpful! If you’d like to learn more about English TV shows or how to learn English with TV series, visitMagoosh说话today.



马修琼斯is a freelance writer and former English teacher. He enjoys traveling the world, watching movies, and caring for his three toy poodles.
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