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Unconventional Graphs



Now we can talk about some unconventional graphs. So on the GRE Data Interpretation, 它肯定可能会看到一些更常见的图表,我们在这些之前的视频中谈论的那些。 您还将看到数字图表,您将看到一些常见的图表和图形。

事实上,本课程或任何数量的课程都无法借用您可能看到的图表或图表的可能性。 You have to understand, ETS goes out looking at charts. It's, it's searching magazines, it's searching academic sources, 它找到了绝对奇异,呈现数据的独特方式的各种例子,它喜欢将那些人扔到GRE上。

首先,如果你看到这样的东西,请不要恐慌。如果此图对您, 这是一个很好的是,绝大多数人服用GRE是新的。如果它对每个人来说都是新的, you can be guaranteed a lot of people are gonna panic. A lot of people are just gonna skip the problem.

If you can just keep a level head. You are way ahead of the pack right there. 该测试必须指定所有规则,如果它是一个开箱图,他们将在这里详细解释这是图表的工作原理。 Just read carefully and use the same visual graph-reading skills that we have been discussing.

Here's a sample graph, pause the video and then we'll talk about this. 好的,所以如果你碰巧有研究物理学,那么这个图可能是熟悉的。 If you've even taken say a thermodynamics course or something like this. For most people, this will be an unfamiliar graph.

And notice what we have here. We have a horizontal axis that's volume in liters. 我们有一个压力,自动取款机的垂直轴。这实际上代表了大气。 You don't need to know that. And then we have three different curves.

Not one curve, but three different curves representing three different temperatures. And this is showing an interaction between volume and pressure and temperature. Very interesting. So now, let P be the percent increase in volume, at 3 ATM, from 100 to 300 degrees Celsius. So we're gonna stay on this horizontal line, 3 ATM, three atmosphere.

At 100 we're here, at 50. At 300, we're right around here, we're a little above 75. 现在注意到我们必须有多精确?让我们来看看答案。 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 wildly spread out, so this is just an engraved invitation to estimation here.

所以我甚至不会因为精确的计算而打扰,我只是说,我们要从50到75。 Of course that's an increase of 25 and 25 is half of 50, so an increase from 50 to 75 is a 50% increase. P is approximately a 50% increase. Now the second part, Q.

让Q在75升的压力下增加百分比。所以现在我们会留在这个垂直线上, 75升固定体积垂直线。我们将从100到200增加, so that's an increase from approximately 2 to 3. Two atmospheres to three atmospheres.

因此,这是1,1的增加,当然是一半。因此,这也增加了50%。 Notice that we're being very general with our approximations here. Well what's P plus Q, P plus Q is approximately 100%, answer choice D, done. 所以一旦你意识到被问到的东西,不是很难。 Here's another unconventional graph.

暂停视频,然后我们会谈谈这个。 所以这个图表显示了两年的时间,每周销售许多型号的汽车。并且,当然,模型被类型,跑车,SUV,Minivans分解, and compact cars. And so for each one we're getting a range.

他们在一周内出售的最多车辆是什么,他们在一周内卖的是什么? So now the question is the minimum revenue from all compact cars combined is closest to how many times the minimum revenue from all sports cars combined. 有趣的。让我们先看看跑车。

So we're looking at the minimum values. The leftmost values, the leftmost dots. 所以典型周内的最小值。他们会卖掉那些真正昂贵的75,000台跑车的零。 Those most be really impressive cars, but because they're so expensive sometimes their weeks they sell none of them.

他们似乎总是卖出至少一个RX3,费用为45,000美元,所以这是他们的收入。 我只是将它写成45.我要忽略最后三个0s,因为所有这些数字都有三个0s。 我只是忽略了那些。好的。

Now the compact cars. So, we're gonna look at the leftmost points here. 因此,SD Plus,其成本为40,000,它们销售了至少两个。所以,这将是80,000。 The SD, which costs 30,000, they sell 3 of those. So that would be a 120.

TD +成本为35,000美元,他们卖出三个,所以这将是3次35是105和TD, 常规TD,售价25,000美元,他们最便宜的汽车。他们总是卖出至少五个。 这将是125,5次25.这两个增加了200。

105 and 125 add up to 230. Add those together, and we get 430. So that's the total minimum revenue from compact cars. And so, the question really is, 430 is approximately how many times 45? 看起来很接近十次。但是,让我们想想这个。

45 times 10 is 450. Subtract 45 from that, 405, that would be 45 times 9, so 430 is between 450 and 405, so 430 would be something like 9.5 times 45. 嗯,9.5更接近10,而不是别的东西。所以,这里的答案是D.

Those two problems were not necessarily hard once you realized the mathematics that you had to do, but they would be very unfamiliar to many folks taking the GRE. In fact, many folks taking the GRE might get to a question like that and might simply skip it. They might think, oh my god, I don't know how to do this kind of a graph. I've never seen this before, they just go into a panic and they skip it.

So it's very important to keep a level head. It's very important to keep a level head throughout the test, but certainly when you see a graph that's unconventional. The more demanding data interpretation questions involve two graphs, and we would have to relate these two graphs. So here's an example of this.

暂停视频,然后我们会谈谈这个。所以这是一个相对挑战的问题。 这涉及货币交易以及波动的价格。因此,疯狂的国家的货币是阴唇, Malugia以这种货币销售自己的原油。在右侧的图表上显示了malugs中1美元的价值。

So, the graph on the left, what we have is the fluctuating price of crude oil in this strange currency, 黑痣是这个想象中的国家的货币,疯狂的疯狂。在右边,我们的相当于1美元 在Malugs和这里的问题是在哪一年是一桶凌乱的Malugian原油价格在美元上的价格?

让我们想一想。多少,有多少女孩买一美元买入? So say in years like this, the years that are high on the graph. Those are relatively good years to US's exchange. In other words, the US is buying lots of Malugs. And so it would make it easier to buy anything sold in Malugian currency.

When we got to here, this is a year that it's much harder to buy Malugs. In other words, a US dollar is worth, it's worth less than 100 Malugs at that point. 好的,这是最低的,所以那就是在美元方面最昂贵的时候。 所以我们想要一些适合美元的东西,使其很好,这将是美元在图中高的时候,但不一定是最高点。

因为现在我们搬到了凌乱的凌乱的石油桶的价格。在这里,美元可以购买大量的阴唇,但是 the price of oil is relatively high also, so that's not necessarily a win. Yeah, we can buy more Malugs with our US dollar, but 然后我们必须花更多的小女孩购买油。我们并没有真正拥有大部分收益。

但是请注意,当我们在这么高的点, it's one of the lowest prices here. 所以这是这个图表上的第二个最高点。和该图的第二个最低点。 那是一个胜利者。因为在那一年,这是2004年,我们正在用美元购买很多麻疯。

And it doesn't cost that many Malugs to buy a barrel of crude oil. So that's our winner, answer choice B. 这是一个非常难的问题。如果出现两个图形,则必须结合信息 从两个图中至少有一些问题。再一次,不要被你不熟悉的图形吓倒 pairs of graphs that combine data.


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