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Read Carefully - I

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In this video, we're gonna deal with sentence equivalence questions that are tricky. And the idea, or even the mantra here is read carefully. And of course, once we read carefully, we wanna follow the usual steps of looking for the clue, and coming up with our own word. And you'll see that down here.

And then of course finally we wanna make sure that the two words you choose are synonymous words or synonyms. So let's look at this, it's a long sentence equivalent question so let's break it down. The space shuttle was finally able to launch after three weeks of inclement weather.

Blanking the team of research scientists who had been anxiously awaiting to see whether the latest rocket addition, would provide the propulsive benefits they had hypothesized. So, it's a lot of noise going on here. We just wanna know about the research team here. What are they like?

How are they feeling about this space shuttle launch. It's been delayed while they were anxiously awaiting all these weeks. Is it gonna take off? Is it gonna take off? And then this inclement weather, here underlined at the top. Inclement means unpleasant, you can infer that from the context.

And finally it takes off after three weeks of bad weather. So if they were anxious, what's the lift off of the space shuttle gonna do? Well, it's going to take this anxiety here and it's going to get rid of it. So it's gonna lessen the anxiety. So we want a word here that means to calm down or to reassure something of that nature that's going to be our own word.

Now, if we look at the first word it's infuriating. Now this may be a very tempting answer choice but if we read carefully we know that they're actually happy that they finally took off, cuz they had been anxiously awaiting. They wouldn't be infuriated that it was taking off. It seems like maybe they were infuriated before, but not now.

So that's, again, a trap. Galvanizing, if something galvanizes you, it makes you stronger, and it urges you on, and gives you that extra energy and drive. But that's not necessarily what's going on here. We want a word that simply means to get rid of anxiety and that word here would be mollified.

That's our first answer. Agitating against doing the opposite, they were already agitated. What agitated them was the delay not the fact that it finally launched. Placating, placating is a synonym with mollified, means to soothe, lessen the anxiety in this case. And finally, we have enervating.

To enervate means to tire somebody out. So you may think, well, this whole idea that was just enervating for them, it was so tiring even though it finally took off and, if you convince yourself that interpretation it's fine. But again, we need synonymous answers and enervating is definitely not synonymous with placating them all fine.

So they're our final answers mollifying and placating. Again, we read carefully, focused on the clue. Came up with their own word and then we went to their answer choices making sure those words that were synonyms. So let's try another one.

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