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在这个视频中,我们将在此处遇到问题任务,快速概述,然后我们实际上会在这里有趣的部分。 我们要有一个示例提示,实际上经过一个问题并集思广益。 But first off, quick intro here, what do we need to do? Well, we need to, of course, read the directions, and 方向将始终要求您同意或不同意。

And support your position. Sometimes they will give you extra information, and it's important for 您阅读额外信息。但是,在一天结束时,您将始终专注于这两件事。 So definitely, read the extra info, but know that agree/disagree is the gist of the issue task.

现在,同意或不同意,当然,你想最终在这里有一面。 So you always wanna choose a side. Do you agree or disagree? 但是,这种额外的信息将明确地说,你必须看看争论的两个方面。

所以你会选择一方,但你必须看看双方。也就是说,当我称之为时,有一个积极的,一个负面,一个专业人士和一个骗局。 如果您没有这些额外的指示,您仍然需要解决侧面之一。 If you pick the positive side, you defend that, you still need to say, hey, the negative side may sometimes have some validity.

而这一重要点被称为让步点。所以你必须确保你在解决双方, show that the other side, Is also valid in some cases. Again, do this even if the extra directions do not explicitly call for it. Because the GRE likes you to think analytically, and 当你能想到你辩论的问题的另一面时,它表明你是一个分析思想家。

所以,这里的特许点是非常重要的。所以现在让我们实际上在这里看看不同类别的问题。 Where are these questions coming from? And so first theme here is the government and power theme, and let's take a look here at an example. Governments should focus on short term solutions rather than long term ones.

So what we have here is a simple question about government and power. Again, they could have many variations on this, and it could be a completely different question, but again, it will relate to government and power. To really see this, you can go to gre.org, and there they will have a pool of issue tasks. And again, one you'll see is government and power.

Another one you'll see is education. For instance, they could have something like, students should only take courses in 学院直接抵御未来的职业生涯。万博max手机版好的,足够公平。 和类似的文化和社会。这一个是very broad, lots of stuff that's underneath here.

一个可能的例子,社会如果有多样化的意见,社会蓬勃发展。再次,去发行池,当我说池时,有数百个,几乎。 没有坐在那里,实际上计算了所有这些,但有很多。我建议的是找到你的弱点, 找到你最挣扎的那个地区。例如,有可怕的RSA。

这将属于文化和社会。所以对你的弱点变得更好,不一定只是为了你的优势。 So again, these are the categories of issues. This is what you can expect. And now that we've done this part, we wanna actually dive into a specific issue. And it's gonna be one you just saw a second ago from education, and 它是学生只能在大学课程,直接承担其未来的职业生涯。万博max手机版

现在,你会注意到方向。请记住,一个秒,我说你会始终谈论你的程度 同意或不同意,您将想要支持您的立场。这总是在那里。 现在,小扭曲来到这里。您应该考虑陈述可能或的方法 might not hold true, and explain how these considerations shape your position.

所以这很重要,请记住这一点,但再次,你在这里进行头脑风暴。知道你想拿出双方,亲和骗局, and show to what extent you agree or disagree, and then support that position. So let's do that now. What we're gonna do is we are going to come up here with a brainstorm and an outline.

所以我要把专业人士放在这一边。以下是专业人士,在这方面,我们会纳入缺点。 So we think through this and say, yeah, that's a great idea, because students spend less time in college. And less time in college means less money, that is, students don't have to spend as much money in college.

They can get out in three years, perhaps, because again, if they're taking courses only that have a bearing on their future careers, this is great, less time. What does that allow them to do? Well, in addition to saving a lot of money and not feeling like they're taking irrelevant courses, Just for credits, or units, or what have you, they're actually out in the working field, and they're, Engaged, or doing their profession, engaged in their profession, not a person that's engaged, in their profession.

And of course, making money, paying off those loans, because they didn't have to spend as much. 这很棒,所以他们已经在做他们喜欢的事情,我们在工作方面假设。 这很棒,因为这有助于社会。他们可以越早增加社会,越早为社会做出贡献。

That's great. So we can come up with a few. 现在,不要整天坐在这里,只要去,还可以想出什么,我还能想出什么? This already definitely gives us a sufficient amount of information to work off of.

But now let's consider the other side. You may think, yeah, hold on a second, what about well-rounded members of society? We want people to learn more, and learn about antiquity, Roman history, read Shakespeare, so well-rounded individuals. Or what about those individuals who don't even know what they wanna do?

Here we're assuming, yeah, you could be busy doing what you love, and knowing what you wanna do, of course, is part of that. 所以,如果你尚未确定,你仍然想探索你的专业,或者在那里有什么专业是什么,因为你没有专业,那么这很棒。 Because you don't really know who you are yet. So this could be another side of the issue.

但是,让我们说这真的是你能想到的一切。然后是时候说,好吧,我需要选择一面。 I have a lot more here with the pros. So you choose your side. 所以你觉得自己,我会选择专业人士。我要说,我会在更少的时间开始脱离我的论点,花费较少的钱。

那就是让我流入他们从事一个兴趣迅速和帮助社会的职业。 Maybe that would be my first paragraph here, opening paragraph, second paragraph. And then you wanna talk about that concession point, and that, of course, 是另一侧,在这里我们有缺点。所以你说,好的,好吧,我喜欢这个,因为它会谈到学生 start figuring out what they wanna do.

So here it's assuming that you know what you wanna do. So here would be a concession point, students are undecided, there you go, check. And just like that, we're ready to write our essay.

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