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在本节课视频中,我们将讨论一种神奇的技巧,一旦你真的擅长它,它将使你在阅读理解方面做得更好。 This technique is called active reading. But, before you do that, I want to show you something. 这是这个很大,可怕的段落。我希望您实际暂停视频,也许是15或 20秒,我只想让你开始阅读。

And after you feel like you've read enough, unpause the video and we will talk. 好的。我会说话,我猜,对大多数人来说。 They start reading this, they kind of get the general idea that it's about the brain and how the brain changes.

在这附近的某个地方,你突然觉得自己置身于流沙之中。你只是被拉下来,你不确定发生了什么。 And if someone were to suddenly take the passage away from you and ask you, what was happening in that second paragraph? You would say something, there's about this long word, oligodo and they have lots of them in human brains but in rat brains are different, and 可能发生的是,你很难告诉别人你在读什么。

这是一个更乐观的水平,因为你可以很好地说,我不知道我在读什么。 I was reading something about the brain and then I started thinking about something totally unrelated to the passage. 然后我意识到我真的不喜欢阅读理解。所以这也可能是你的反应。

所以现在让我们来讨论一下这个常见的方法,在我们进入主动阅读之前,先把它冲洗一下。 人们倾向于冲进通道。他们看到了就开始尽可能快地阅读,因为,嘿, 这是一个定时测试,即使在练习课上也会有一种压力感,你希望尽可能地到达终点。

所以你会发生什么,你刚刚开始将单词串起来在一起。你不慢下来,你继续前进。 And you get to the end of the passage, and you're looking for this moment of enlightenment. Maybe at the very end everything will just tie together, and that's not the case. And suddenly you have a bunch of questions that you have to deal with on a passage that you really didn't get.

Active reading, on the other hand, is about making connections between the ideas and the text. 真的停一下,停一下,把这些想法放到你的脑子里 own words to simplify things and then to make those connections. And in doing so you're going to have a sense of the way that the passage is unfurling.

你会期待,哦,这很可能会发生接下来。因此,当通道中有跳跃时,它们并不完全震动。 Because you have an idea of what the passage is likely to do. And of course this goes back to those very first videos we did on the reading comp, 关于这篇文章的结构。一个理论被引入,然后它就被否定了。

Evidence is provided, and then the author or maybe some other scholars disagree with something in that evidence, and etcetra. Knowing that of course is part of active reading so always make sure to pay attention to structure. 你想做什么,当然要注意的是,当我说每一段的时候, what you want to do on the long passages is to create these mental snapshots.

What I mean by that is, when you get to the end of a paragraph, you hopefully have been extracting meaning and making sense of what you're reading, 必要时减速。你应该能想出这个心理快照, which is a simple quick summary. Okay, this passage was about ABC.

现在,理想情况下,那些心理快照将是你应该在你的脑海中做的事情,但现在,我鼓励你实际写下这些精神上的拍摄。 我们实际上要在这里举行一篇文章。长通道。 你会再次使用这种精神上的拍摄镜头技术,这是段摘要。

And you'll also of course wanna make connections between those paragraphs. But it's important to note, try writing it down, 除非你真的自信,又一次,否则积极的阅读是在长段段落中使用的东西,因为它更成功,但是 这也是想要申请短段的东西。好吧,这只是心理快照的想法 每个段落,你想要尽可能多地持有,当然只是通过短途阅读的想法之间的联系。

But before we get to the long passage in this video, a little bit more about active reading and some tips that you want to follow. First off, do not try to absorb every single word, thinking that if you miss a single word the meaning is gonna completely fall apart. That's also of course gonna slow you down. It's all about big picture, and I'm gonna keep coming back to that phrase, 大局或在这种情况下段落的一般含义,即关键。

As long as you get those, big nuggets of meaning and information. If someone were to come along and suddenly snatch the computer away from you or 页面,您可以实际判断该人。好吧,告诉他们他们是一个杰克, but tell them what the passage was actually about. And that's what we kind of want to get at, is a test of understanding of the reading passage.

现在,你不想陷入细节的泥沼,当然,试图把每一个字串在一起,然后匆匆忙忙地走到最后是个坏主意, but trying to slow down and to reread something, oh, I kind of lost the string of thought, I better reread that again. 好有时可能有意义。特别是如果它在一开始,这是一个很大的想法。

但是,这些段落是以这样的方式构建的,正如我们所看到的那样。中间有很多细节。 特别是最后一段。如果你继续重新阅读一些东西,那就因为它真的很密集。 然后你会忘记你朝着开始的精神快照镜头。

所以不要屈服于欲望继续英航ck to the beginning of a sentence. But just keep reading, especially if it's towards the end. Because that's what's gonna happen. There's gonna be a lot of detail, but if there is a question dealing with that 细节你可以回到那部分of that passage and of course because you have a big picture idea of what's going on in the passage 这些细节将有意义。

Another important thing is to notice these structure words. Structure words such as however, nonetheless, although, shift or pivot the meaning of what the author is saying. So this theory said ABC, however, or something like many scientists discovered this, nonetheless, and so when you're paying attention to these structure words, you're noticing the direction of the passage.

It's agreeing with one thing, but then it's going in another direction, and of course, that's where this big picture meaning comes from, and 很多问题都是从这里来的,你理解这段话的意思转变了吗? Sometimes they aren't always shifts, just simply adding on information. Or sometimes they are drawing conclusions, arriving at a result.

因此,你会看到这样的单词,因此,以及因为。所以做一个小rolodex of those structure words so you can be sure they don't surprise you, and know that the first ones are for contrast, the second ones are for 支持,此处的第三批是得出结论。当然,您也想记住段落的一般结构。

这同样适用于长的文章,在GRE考试中总是会有一篇,假设你没有一个实验部分碰巧有 一个,但永远记住大局。这些段落在做什么? 第一段在做什么?第二段在做什么?

And what's the third paragraph doing? And again, this is something that's happening at the mental level where 在你潜入问题之前,你暂停了一瞬间,然后思考,嘿,我只是读过这段经文,这些是这段经文的三件事。 In general, again, big picture across the three paragraphs. It seems like the structure's pretty common or pretty typical.

There's always three paragraphs, rarely four on that long passage that you will get on the GRE. Now most active reading actually happens at the paragraph level. I bolded that. Because I don't want people to get the idea that oh, just really big picture, just get the general structure.

尽管你必须了解段落水平,但真的明白发生了什么。 这就是为什么我们要做的为什么要在一分钟内服用这些段落的心灵拍摄。 Finally, and this is a big one, be excited. Why? Because these passages are really dull and it's difficult to just get bogged down in the information and want to give up.

但是这些段落故意沉闷和干燥,所以你必须欺骗自己思考,哇这真的很有趣, 我们要学习大脑可塑性。以及老鼠和人类的区别 对人类的意思和了解我们的大脑。这真的很酷。

That's gotta be your attitude, at least well, for the passage we're about to read in a second. Which is what it's about, but even if it's about artwork in 15th century Florence, get excited. So, here we go. Here's active reading exercise.

我希望你读一段。不回顾段落,这很重要,导致任何人 有点可以再看看它并重读这些词,什么发生了什么?你的大脑会变得有点扭曲,所以 不要回头看这一段,而要读一段。试着把句子联系起来。

思考自己,哦,这句话说这个,下一句话就是这样说。制作那些连接,然后,当你到达结束时,看起来, on a piece of paper, write down a mini summary about that. What that paragraph was about. 再说一遍,大局,段落中的要点。不要只想一堆你记得读过的单词, 因为你在这里含义。

For example, defines plasticity: the brain's ability to change and grow in response to harm. 现在,我们再把这个写下来。你不想做那个测试,因为那需要一段时间,但是 这只是你脑子里想的一件事,不会花很长时间。你想在下一段重复这个。

最后,当你读完整篇文章,你要写下主要目的是什么。 这篇文章的目的是,大多数长文后面都会有一个问题,就是这个问题。 What was the primary purpose of the passage? So if you anticipate what that is, and put it in your own words, the passage was about XYZ.

You're far more likely to answer that question correctly. Okay. Enough talking and now you're going to be doing the doing. And what we have here is a passage. Let me show you the entire thing. Sorry to scare you, but that's the third paragraph.

很长很吓人。这大约有450字长。 You're not gonna get anything longer on the GRE, don't worry. But what you need to do again are these mental snapshots. Again, writing them down, once you get to the end of each paragraph. And so I'm gonna pause the video now, allow you to do so 前两段。

然后我会没有节俭,移动到下一个幻灯片上的第三段,再次暂停它,您应该为该段落进行迷你快照。 So you should end up having three mini snapshots and then finally write down what you think the primary purpose of that passage is. So I am pausing it. Okay I'm pausing it, I'm moving down to the slide below.

I'm gong to pause it again. Okay, I'm unpausing it and actually you're the one pausing it, 但希望这不太繁琐。希望你记得兴奋和 to remain excited as you read through that. So let's do it now together.

We're gonna take each paragraph, and we're gonna look for that big meaning as we move through the paragraph. 现在这里的重要事项是我要多一点,我没想到你要写下这一切。 但我要给你看,或者简化,一些句子里的内容,在开头,所以 当我们在这里结束的时候,我们可以得到那个小快照。

好的。First off, it defines plasticity, the brain's ability to heal and grow. 它说这是一段时间以来的主流观点,现在这里有一种大的图景,这是我想要你们离开这里的东西。 人类的大脑可能比以前想象的更具可塑性,这是可塑性的定义。

这就是第一段真正想说的。让我们看第二段。 再长一点,所以我要把句子分开。我们要做的是简化句子。 And that's kind of what you're doing when you're working through. You're not just again stringing words together but you read a couple sentences you get to that point and you say okay I'm going to pause just ever so briefly and think, what did I just read about.

How can I simplify that? And in written form at least, we're going to simplify things like oligodendrocytes into OD. Myelin into Mye. And you probably want to do that in your head as well. The OD form, myelin or Mye, Mye helps brain function.

人的od不要死,但他们死于小鼠和老鼠。你去了。 这是一个非常良好的简化,你继续阅读。次要细节可能直到现在基本上是老鼠 rats have been used to understand the brain. Next we have this word rather which shows us contrast going on there.

所以一定要注意这样的结构词。人类几乎没有失去任何OD,我现在正在简化这个。 Rats can't use existing OD to replace Mye. Need to make new ID. So, humans don't lose OD, rats, mice do. They need to make new OD.

That's all you need to do. And of course the function of this entire sentence was elaborating on the first sentence. Notice again that word rather kinda showing you what the person or 作者实际上试图说。最后,在这里我们有最后一句含义是人类的大脑是 more prepared for trauma.

What does this mean again I am simplifying it human can quickly replace myelin so that its more prepared. 在这里加上一点推论,当你真的很擅长这一点时,你也许能从这些推论中吸取教训 如快速取代髓鞘的能力与可塑性有关。再次回到第一段, it's about the brain's ability to adapt and to heal.

And finally, what I wanted you guys to do is to take that mini snapshot of the paragraph and here we have, 比人类不同,大鼠需要取代OD;因此人体大脑更加塑料。这是一个相当良好的精神快照镜头,迷你拍摄镜头段段。 如果你有类似的东西,那就好了。如果你有类似于简化的东西,那就好了。

但是你的摘要应该有与此类似的意义。它不能只是你定义一切或只是写下很多东西 少世肾上腺细胞和大脑等词实际试图说。而现在第三段,我应该提到的是通常是最复杂的。 That's where you can get bogged down in the details. But that's where I encourage you to keep on reading.

And many questions will come from here. So you can always go back to that part that the question is referencing. 再读一遍这些细节意味着什么。当然是在回答问题的时候。 And the primary purpose of the passage can sometimes show up in the first paragraph, or you get a hint.

Or sense of that main idea, but it's really that last paragraph where the primary purpose is stated. So what I've done here is I've bolded structure words, and I should have probably also added that it's in the last paragraph, in this third paragraph, that'll you'll see the most structured words. You'll see words like, Additionally and Moreover, 当然,你会看到这些对比词。

I've also underlined what i think is important in terms of the meaning of the paragraph and so when you're reading and you get to the end here again do that quick simplification and then read on. So what did I come up with here? So here is the first batch of that long third paragraph. And simplified I have plasticity can be defined by other factors beside OD, 大脑使用两个大脑半球的能力是另一个因素,这可能与可塑性有关,所以这不仅仅与ODs有关。

然后他们使用支持证据,也就是中风患者,现在我简化下一部分,这里我们找到了OD之间的联系 and the speed of regeneration, does that have anything to do with plasticity, and what we have also is that OD might play a part in how both hemispheres are used, so 很难确定塑性有多大。因此,这一段的主要快照可能与这两个有关。

但这两个都是我在简化正在发生的事情,你也应该在你的头脑中再次简化。 But in general this is a pretty good understanding or pretty good summary of everything that was in the third paragraph. And now our primary purpose, write it down, it should be something like the primary purpose of this passage is to talk about OD and myelin in terms of plasticity and regeneration in humans and how it differs from that in mice and rats.
