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Time Management

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Time management, time management. This has to deal with putting everything together. How do you actually write now, now that you have the skills, you're writing your sentences fine, what should you actually do? 所以你会注意到这里说第一个方法。Well, there's gonna be a couple of approaches here, how to write an essay that's best for you.

So let's go through this approach, and let's see if this will maybe help you out. First off, the most important thing, brainstorm an outline. This is so important. Do not just write. Do not just write. I'm gonna actually write that down, cuz it's so important.

That is, do not read the prompt and say, I get it. I'm gonna write , cuz I only have half an hour. That will make you go down into the deep, dark. You're gonna get lost, you're gonna lose all logical flow. You're gonna start repeating yourself. And you will break down, or at least your essay will break down.

And you'll probably not even get a four. So be careful, why? Because brainstorming an outline helps plan your attack, where you're gonna go, the ideas that you're gonna come up with. And that's why allocating 3 minutes to it isn't a waste of time. Because once you have an idea, once you've mapped out what's going on, then the writing is gonna flow out that much more smoothly.

So this is the very first thing, fundamental, brainstorm and outline. Then start with thesis statement. Again, thesis statement is your main idea. What are you gonna try to prove, prove in your essay, your main idea or your main point. What are you gonna try to prove?

Write it out. And then here's the big thing, write the body and examples of your essay. So why, why what? Well, I skipped the intro. If you notice, I said just write a thesis statement. I didn't even say write the intro.

And some of you may be balking, thinking, no, no, no. You've got to write the intro, the intro is so important. But there's something that I call the perfect word syndrome. And many of us have suffered from this before. And the idea is, I'm gonna write something, I'm gonna sound very grand and important in this first couple of sentences.

And I find that right word. No, no, that's not it, I'm gonna go back. No, I can say it like this. And guess what? 10 minutes go by and you're still trying to write the perfect introduction, 10 minutes wasted.

So skip the introduction from the beginning. And just start with the thesis and go straight into the most important part, which is the body and the examples. That's what is gonna back up your points here. And this is gonna take 20 minutes. Cuz again, this is really where you get to shine here.

Cuz they're looking for analysis. They're looking for the ability to persuade them through your analysis. That's all happening right here. Finally, conclusion, it's minimal. It's not important, you're restating what you've already said before in your intro. Well, in this case, you haven't had an intro yet.

But the point is, when you write your conclusion, you can use your thesis statement here and simply reword it. Simply reword your thesis statement. Your conclusion does not have to be long, reword. Maybe add one parting thought at the end. Two-sentence conclusions are perfect, even a one sentence conclusion is fine.

And then, writing that intro, that first sentence or two becomes easy because you've written everything else. There's no pressure. You've done all your persuading here. You've done a good job. And that's approach number one, which I recommend for a lot of you, if this rang a bell.

If I said perfect word syndrome, and you said, yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about, then this approach is for you. However, you may say, wait a second. Edit, very important to edit, and spend 2 minutes on editing. That is what's very important. Because as we talked about with grammar before, you do not want to make grammatical mistakes, or even worse yet, spelling mistakes.

And that's why, spend 2 minutes making sure everything matches up, and making sure that there's no small mistakes. And that's approach number one. And finally, that other last approach we have here is very similar. And it's probably the common-sensical approach for many of you. But is it the approach that works?

Well, you'll be able to answer that yourself. The key here is, again, no matter what, always do this first. But in this case, you can write your intro and thesis statement as you would normally. If you have no problem in doing this, you can usually get to the point after you've brainstormed and outlined.

That is, you can get to the body, then writing approach two, or taking this approach is perfect. Because I do not wanna change the way you do something if you have no problems doing it. 所以如果你舒适的写一个介绍和药用is statement, you can do it in 3 minutes, then great.

Then follow, as we did in approach number one, writing with the body and examples. Spend 20 minutes there. Write your conclusion, spend 2 minutes there. Again, not the most important part. And just, it's important as spending time on your essay, you wanna spend time, of course, editing your essay.

And spend a couple of minutes there. And that is gonna help you create an essay that will bring out your greatest potential.

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