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In this video we're gonna talk about wrong answer choices. That's far, we've talked about plugging up the gap. 注意到逻辑中的漏洞,以将前提绑定到结论。然后看到整个整体有不同类型的重量 弱势,加强,假设和评估等问题,尽管如此,我们只是要削弱问题,所以 现在就像往常一样的业务。

但我们真的会专注于答案选择。是什么让回答选择不正确? 现在在GRE上,在阅读Comp和以下段落论坛上,错误的答案往往落入典型的桶中。 In fact, they're pretty predictable what the outline is going to look like, the outline of these answers.

所以让我们在我们的段落中来看看这里。它在8月份说,威廉斯敦主要城市停车库完全满了 本月的每一天。所以记得我在这里抽出小事吗? Okay premise in August, parking lot full, okay. Again, once you get more adepts at these, 你可以在你的头脑上做精神,这是释放段落。

这一现象表明,威廉斯敦的主要城市停车库是停车场的热门场所。 Fair enough, popular place for parking, these are premises, it doesn't really add to what we have here so I'm not gonna write anything down. 但这是结论,这是大部分。因此,威廉斯敦停车库将全天都满满, except for September.

So because it's full in August, Therefore, for September. 这里有一个很大的假设;有一个主要洞。也就是说,八月持有的是9月份的真实情况。 它们可能是截然不同的几个月。八月往往是夏天结束,人们都在度假。

九月,人们回到学校。非常大的洞。 I think this question is probably a little bit easier than anything you see on the GRE. Or maybe there'll be one paragraph argument question that's this easy. But again, the whole point here is to show you how the wrong answers work.

所以,八月和9月的大假设大洞是两个类似的东西。所以你去答案选择。 问题最有疑问,我们在这里有一个弱势器,削弱了结论。再次,如果结论是9月份,每天也会满满的, 我们想展示嘿,九月不会成为一个月流行的东西。

People aren't gonna be there parking, and so therefore the lot will not be full. So let's start with A. Capeville, neighboring city has only one parking garage, though it was not filled every day of the month. 所以我们在这里与一个不同的城市打交道。谁关心它是邻居的吗?

Notice as well that it, says it has only one parking garage and it wasn't filled every day of the month. And so you may think well it shows that Capeville isn't a very popular place to be. 也许下个月,没有人会来到威廉斯敦。但是,等一下,Capeville可能是一个完全不同的城市。

Capeville可能是一个无聊的工业城市,毗邻威廉斯敦的漂亮的海滩镇。 We don't know, it could be all of these things. What it is not is relevant. 它与结论无关,Capeville无关紧要。因此这是最常见的错误答案之一。

Sometimes I also use the word out of scope, meaning that there is a scope of the argument, things that are relevant. 然后有那些不相关的东西,这是不可行的。所以这些是两种术语,但在这里我将使用无关紧要的。 B,7月,威廉斯敦停车库全部全天。请注意,这是7月。

What is that gonna tell us about September? Nothing, and so again, irrelevant, so let's get rid of both of those guys. Let's look at C. Williamstown is popular beach town and tourists across the nation flock to its beaches from June to August, but the city becomes virtually empty come September. Now you can already say, 你已经偷了你的雷声,因为我可以看到它在这里回答。

但忽略了一秒钟。为什么这是答案? Well It's trying to tell us something about September and again, how September differs from August. And now we know it's relevant. And how does it differ?

好吧,它以非常相关的方式不同。它的不同之处在于将来停车的人。 全国各地的游客来到其海滩。然后9月发生了什么? 实际上是空的,因此它在说,是的,九月的停车场也会全身,是不正确的。

And again, we're casting doubt, so C is the perfect answer. Now, let's look at some other wrong answers 比irreleva类型有点棘手nt ones, A and B. D, this coming September, the Williamstown City Council is inaugurating the first 年9月的摇滚节,将以热门的音乐家全部提供表演。

所以这显然正在做点什么。它在做什么?它向我们展示了9月 继续受欢迎。人们仍然会涌向威廉斯敦。 yey,但不要圈出来。因为我们不是在寻找加强结论的事情 九月,停车场可能会填补。

我们正在寻找削弱它的东西。所以小心。 And this falls into the opposite. Does the opposite of what we're doing. 因此,如果它加强了问题,它会削弱。在这种情况下,它是一个削弱的问题,它得到了增强。

Finally, we have E, the Grand Hotel, a popular hotel in Williamstown, expects to have a full garage the entire month of September. Now, I've classified this one as a SEEMS TO DO SOMETHING, and I think it's the trickiest one. Usually, when you get adept at these, you can narrow them down to two answer choices.

And instead of making it just a 50/50, it's good to notice that, hey, just because one of the answer choices looks like it's doing something, it's definitely pertinent or relevant to the argument, doesn't necessarily mean it's the answer. And so here, with the Grand Hotel, so what is it telling us? It's a popular hotel, and in September, it says, yeah our parking lot is gonna be filled.

所以它在右边城市。但等一下。 停车场,一般停车场和酒店停车场是两个非常不同的东西。 也许威廉斯敦或周边的大酒店,停车场每天都充满了一年中的每一天。

We don't know. But just because what's true for a hotel parking lot doesn't mean it's true for another parking lot. And therefore, this does not help us out at all and the answer is C.
