
Skipping Questions and Pacing

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在这个视频中,我们将谈论起搏和跳过问题的能力。首先,我要告诉你一些令人思想吹的东西, from the GRE standpoint. Here it is, every question is worth the same number of points. 哇,为什么?所以我的男孩,这个陈述在这里发生了什么?

好吧,我想,几乎每个人都认为这项测试假定难题值得更多。 The medium questions are worth slightly fewer points than that. And of course, the easy questions are worth the least number of points. 它直观,一定是这种情况,但它不是。再次,每个问题都值得相同的分数。

So what does that actually mean, in terms of pacing? Well, do the questions that you find easy. 因为,简单的问题是与难题相同的点数。 So why waste your time with a really difficult question? Two minutes have gone by, and you're really no closer to the answer than when you started, versus, using those two minutes to solve easy questions.

So I like to think of this and the trees. Again, please pardon my artwork. Okay, that tree's enough, here fruits on the tree. Fruits way up here. 也许,你以前听说过这个表达。低悬挂水果。

假设这些水果中的每个人都是橙色或苹果。那个水果完全相同, 这些苹果与这个苹果没有什么不同,与这个苹果没有什么不同。如果你想选择三个苹果,无论你选择什么。 好吧,你不是在这里。你不是一个巨大的长颈鹿。

你会为低悬挂水果而变得易懂的感觉,易于穿过。GRE是相同的方式,如果我那些容易的问题,并且 go to those questions, another way of thinking it, saying, it is do the easy test, the test that for you is easy. Now, this comes down to the next important point is, yes, you can skip questions, and the reason that this is mind blowing, is that old GRE.

Well, you aren't allowed to skip a question. You have to answer before moving on, and that was very stressful, 这是新的GRE创作者想要改变的事情。所以你现在拥有的是滚动的能力, to go from question to question to find the easy test. Mind you, I wouldn't scroll all the time just looking for a question that is easy, then, skipping the medium ones, but I would definitely use the scroll feature to avoid the difficult questions.

Remember, on the medium section, through even math or verbal, that is the first section you receive for either math or 口头将对它有一些难题。它将有一堆中等问题,以及一些简单的问题。 使用易于使用的滚动功能查找简单的问题和中问题。

这样,尽可能少的时间或在时间耗尽之前获得尽可能多的积分。 Now, to figure out what is an easy test for you, it's good to have an idea of which type of questions are harder, which ones are time drainers, etc. 现在,首先,此测试是自适应部分。我在较早的视频中介入了这一点。

And essentially, what this is saying, is the test does not become harder within the section. 也就是说,问题五不是问题三的问题并不困难,这比问题更困难等等。 相反,部分内的困难是随机的,但根据在该部分中的工作方式确定您的下一部分,您可以追求的部分。

这就是为什么新的GRE是适应性测试部分。但是,有一个部分,即定量比较部分, on the math, quantitative section. Again, has the quantitative comparison, in which, 当你数量上涨时,问题往往会变得更加困难。您将有一个从一个有量化比较问题的部分 到七,或者另一个部分你将得到一到八个,意思,六到七,七,八,往往比一个和两个更困难。

And that way, from a pacing standpoint, you know that, okay, it's a good idea to do the first four or five questions, same here, and then, maybe, skip the harder ones, especially, if you are pressed for time on the math section. Now, if you are very strong in math, then, you may just wanna go through each question as long as you don't get flustered, hit the wall as far as you try to find the answer goes, you may want to just go all the way to seven and continue going.

But, again, if you're not that confident in math, it's very important to know the harder questions are quantitative comparison. 同样,他们开始数学部分。一到七,一到八个,往往有点困难,所以 don't get flustered. Go to problem solving, and again, look for the questions that are easy to media.

现在,就问题类型而言,他们采取的时间量,让我们谈谈耗时的时间。 First off, text completions, and you may bock, and say, wait a second, no, no, no, I don't agree with this, because that one black text completion is easy, and I agree, what about the two blank, or even the dreaded three, like text completions. Those are the ones that are gonna take you a long time.

所以而不是坐在那里试图将这句话与四个逗号和半冒号解剖,滚动,继续别的东西。 选择另一个问题,再次,当我说滚动时,也许,这听起来很困惑,我鼓励你尽快嘲笑考试, 通过GRE,或通过GRE CRARERS,ETS或通过读取,或者通过她将在一秒钟内谈论这一点。

But again, going back to here, it's like consuming text concrete, like text solutions, and some of the tube like texts and places can take up a lot of your time. 然后,有阅读理解。不是所有的段落,但有几个长的。 事实上,有一个很长的一个,和一个长啊ne. Both of those have only four questions after them.

所以跳过那些,最后来到他们身边。然后,有段落论证问题。 Again, not all of these are difficult. Maybe, you maybe wanna give a question a shot, read it. But if you're struggling, and you're thinking to yourself, wow, this is actually a long paragraph, asking me to do a lot, and understand a lot, and 哇,它真的很困惑。

Again, don't think I'm not good at this, think, I have encountered a difficult problem, and now, I will skip this and come back to it, if I have time. Now, I mentioned a second ago about these practice tests. It's one thing to hear me talk about the scroll feature, how different questions take more time, and you have to kind of find your own strategy, so you can find the easy test, or the low hanging through, but 没有什么能够真正准备好的方式,即采取实际模拟测试扫描,这些实际的实践测试,你将在滚动功能上真正轻松地接受。

And as far as, again, find the questions that are easy for you, you'll develop a sense of that. 所以我们在这里有PowerPrep II。这是来自ETS的I次提到的,这是其中的作家 the test, Educational Testing Service, they write the GRE. And they have here, these two Powerprep II tests.

它是它被称为PowerPrep II的原因,是PowerPrep我是旧的GRE。所以,PowerPrep II再次有两个测试,而且 你可以获得官方指南的那些,他们来到一点CD。然后,当然,也有Magoosh模拟测试。 因此,您可以使用Magoosh问题自己创建一堆模拟测试。

即使在计算器方面,这将在滚动方面为您提供服用GRE的确切感觉。 这就像坐在那里并采取真正的测试。所以你有它,这些是你需要知道的重要策略 为了节奏,让你没有用完了,你先去了简单的中等问题。
